Codium fragile
Catalogue number: MELUA115421a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Tasmania Locality: Sandy Bay, Hobart.
Collectors: Kraft, G.T., Kraft, R. Collector's number: K15606
Collected date: 03/02/2001
Number of high resolution images: 2
There are 138 collection objects. Of these, 4 have one or more high resolution images - a total of 5 images, and 30 collection objects are georeferenced.
Catalogue number: MELUA115421a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Tasmania Locality: Sandy Bay, Hobart.
Collectors: Kraft, G.T., Kraft, R. Collector's number: K15606
Collected date: 03/02/2001
Number of high resolution images: 2
Catalogue number: MELUA115420a
Family: Codiaceae
State: New South Wales Locality: Bondi Bay, Sydney.
Collectors: Tilden, J.E. Collector's number: 1822
Collected date: 00/09/1912
Number of high resolution images: 1
Catalogue number: MELUA115419a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Norman Bay, Wilson's Prom. [Promontory].
Collectors: Ducker, S.C. Collector's number: WP91
Collected date: 12/08/1960
Number of high resolution images: 1
Catalogue number: MELUA109247a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Norman Bay [Wilsons Promontory National Park]
Collectors: Ducker, S.C. Collector's number: WP41
Collected date: 12/08/1960
Number of high resolution images: 1
Catalogue number: MELUA115424a
Family: Codiaceae
State: California Locality: Santa Barbara Island, southeast side, 100 yards south of old Coast Guard landing.
Collectors: Nicholson, N.L. Collector's number: 112
Collected date: 13/11/1969
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA115423a
Family: Codiaceae
State: South Australia Locality: Cape Lannes, so. [south] of Robe.
Collectors: Kraft, G.T., Kraft, C. Collector's number: GK3201
Collected date: 16/01/1971
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA115422a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Western Australia Locality: Rottnest Is. [Island], Fish Hook Bay.
Collectors: Millar, A.J.K. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 08/12/1984
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA115418a
Family: Codiaceae
State: null Locality: Ahipara, North I. [Island].
Collectors: Kraft, G.T. Collector's number: GK5008
Collected date: 15/10/1972
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA023330a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: San Remo.
Collectors: Coombe, N. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 01/08/1976
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA022065a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Tasmania Locality: Naracoopa, King Is. [Island].
Collectors: Ducker, S.C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 19/03/1975
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA021989a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Red Bluff, Lake Tyers.
Collectors: Lewis, J., O'Brien, C. Collector's number: MELU21989
Collected date: 07/01/1976
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA021665a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Tasmania Locality: Eddystone point.
Collectors: Bennett, Pope Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 20/06/1954
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA021253a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Tasmania Locality: Three Hummocks Island.
Collectors: Bennett, I., MacPherson, H. Collector's number: 15
Collected date: 17/01/1954
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA021252a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Citadel Island, Glennie.
Collectors: Bennett, I., MacPherson, H. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 17/06/1954
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA021225a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Tasmania Locality: Hunter Island.
Collectors: Bennett, I. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 14/01/1954
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA020970a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Cape Wickham, King Island
Collectors: King, R.J. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 31/05/1971
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA020717a
Family: Codiaceae
State: New South Wales Locality: Tathra.
Collectors: Ducker, S.C., King, R.J. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 13/11/1970
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA115749a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Port Phillip Bay Area 55. Dive 7; Area 48 (32).
Collector's number: 21
Collected date: 13/10/1957
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA115748a
Family: Codiaceae
State: null Locality: Ahipara. North I. [Island].
Collectors: Kraft, G.T. Collector's number: GK4804
Collected date: 14/10/1972
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA115439a
Family: Codiaceae
State: null Locality: Butterfield Beach, Half Moon Bay, Stewart Island.
Collectors: Jones, L.M. Collector's number: 727
Collected date: 22/02/1935
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA115438a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Port Welshpool, Corner Inlet.
Collectors: Williams, R. Collector's number: 042538
Collected date: 00/06/1995
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA115437a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Port Welshpool, Corner Inlet.
Collectors: Williams, R. Collector's number: 042537
Collected date: 00/06/1995
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA115436a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Corner Inlet.
Collectors: G., A.H. Collector's number: L2876
Collected date: 08/10/1996
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA115435a
Family: Codiaceae
State: South Australia Locality: Nora Creina.
Collectors: Kraft, G.T. Collector's number: GK3655
Collected date: 03/09/1971
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA115434a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Tasmania Locality: Tessellated Pavement, Eagle Hawk Neck.
Collectors: Earle, T.T., Philson, P.J. Collector's number: 253
Collected date: 12/12/1934
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA115433a
Family: Codiaceae
State: New South Wales Locality: Nth [north] side of Woolgoolga Headland.
Collectors: Millar, A.J.K., Mix, T. Collector's number: AM114
Collected date: 17/04/1980
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA115432a
Family: Codiaceae
State: New South Wales Locality: Nth [north] side of Woolgoolga Headland.
Collectors: Millar, A.J.K., Mix, T. Collector's number: AM103
Collected date: 17/04/1980
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA115431a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Oregon Locality: Lincoln Beach.
Collectors: Kraft, G.T. Collector's number: G.K. 6392b
Collected date: 15/10/1977
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA115430a
Family: Codiaceae
State: California Locality: North side of Point Pinos.
Collectors: Kraft, G.T. Collector's number: 1407
Collected date: 19/06/1970
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA115429a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Massachusetts Locality: Cape Cod, attached to West Falmouth Jetty.
Collectors: Wetherbee, R. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 18/06/1971
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA115428a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Washington Locality: San Juan Island, Cattle Point.
Collectors: Wetherbee, R. Collector's number: 5
Collected date: 18/06/1969
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA115427a
Family: Codiaceae
State: California Locality: San Diego County, Bird Rock at end of Bird Rock Avenue, La Jolla.
Collectors: Anderson, V., Bornemann, W. Collector's number: 52
Collected date: 05/11/1983
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA115426a
Family: Codiaceae
State: South Australia Locality: Robe, Cannery Reef.
Collectors: Kraft, G.T., Kraft, C. Collector's number: GK3076
Collected date: 15/12/1970
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA115425a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Tasmania Locality: Remine, West Coast.
Collectors: Kraft, G.T. Collector's number: GK5850
Collected date: 15/05/1976
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA002300a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Pt. [Point] Leo.
Collectors: McLennan, E.I. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 23/03/1940
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA002226a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Tasmania Locality: Eagle Hawk Neck.
Collectors: Ducker, S.C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 00/08/1965
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA002145a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Pt. [Point] Nepean.
Collectors: Ducker, S.C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 09/05/1965
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA002088a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Cape Conran, East Gippsland.
Collectors: Price, I.R. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 09/03/1965
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA001955a
Family: Codiaceae
State: New South Wales Locality: Newcastle.
Collectors: Price, I.R. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 16/01/1965
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA001844a
Family: Codiaceae
State: New South Wales Locality: North Shore, Sydney Harbour.
Collectors: Ducker, S.C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 26/04/1964
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA001813a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Pt. [Point] Lonsdale, Lighthouse reef.
Collectors: Ducker, S.C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 12/11/1964
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA001543a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Pt. [Point] Lonsdale.
Collectors: Ducker, S.C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 19/05/1964
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA001441a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Williamstown.
Collectors: Cappelli, M. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 12/06/1964
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA001322a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Oberon Bay, Wilson's Prom. [Promontory].
Collectors: Price, I.R. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 04/03/1964
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA001063a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Tasmania Locality: Pt. [Point] Puer, Tasman Peninsula.
Collectors: Ducker, S.C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 02/11/1963
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA001017a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Tasmania Locality: Tesselated pavement, Eagle Hawk Neck.
Collectors: Ducker, S.C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 05/11/1963
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA000682a
Family: Codiaceae
State: New South Wales Locality: Cronulla.
Collectors: Ducker, S.C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 18/05/1963
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA000529a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Pt. [Point] Lonsdale.
Collectors: Ducker, S.C. Collector's number: 529
Collected date: 30/05/1963
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA000527a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Pt. [Point] Lonsdale.
Collectors: Ducker, S.C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 30/05/1963
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA000517a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Pt. [Point] Lonsdale.
Collectors: Ducker, S.C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 30/05/1963
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA000501a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Base of Hump Norman Bay. Wilsons Prom [Promontory].
Collectors: Thrower, L.B. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 00/08/1961
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA020713a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Cape Otway.
Collectors: King, R.J. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 27/11/1970
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA020672a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Mallacoota.
Collectors: Ducker, S.C., King, R.J. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 15/11/1970
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA020647a
Family: Codiaceae
State: New South Wales Locality: Green Cape.
Collectors: Ducker, S.C., King, R.J. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 14/11/1970
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA020539a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Apollo Bay.
Collectors: Ducker, S.C. Collector's number: MELU20539
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA020106a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Tasmania Locality: Waterhouse Is. [Island].
Collectors: King, R.J. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 03/12/1969
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA020014a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Tasmania Locality: Deal Is. [Island], East Cove, Kent Group, Bass Strait.
Collectors: King, R.J. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 21/11/1969
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA004848a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Pt. [Point] Wilson.
Collectors: Ducker, S.C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 02/02/1970
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA004440a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Williamstown.
Collectors: King, R.J. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 24/03/1969
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA004006a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Woodbourne.
Collectors: Ducker, S.C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 16/08/1968
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA003903a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Pt. [Point] Danger, Portland.
Collectors: Ducker, S.C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 13/08/1968
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA003384a
Family: Codiaceae
State: null Locality: Nord Ost Walt. Helgoland.
Collectors: Ducker, S.C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 08/04/1967
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA002497a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Walkerville South.
Collectors: Cappelli, M. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 09/01/1966
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA002460a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Cape Patterson, surf reef.
Collectors: Cappelli, M. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 10/01/1966
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA002428a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Seal Rocks, Phillip Is. [Island].
Collectors: Seebeck, J. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 30/11/1965
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA002365a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Phelan's Bluff, Phillip Is. [Island]
Collectors: Cappelli, M. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 12/12/1965
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA002315a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Pt. [Point] Lonsdale.
Collectors: Ducker, S.C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 09/09/1948
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA002301a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Point Lonsdale.
Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 00/09/1948
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA000333a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Phelan's Bluff, Summerland, Phillip Island.
Collectors: Ducker, S.C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 10/02/1963
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA117416a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: San Remo.
Collectors: McQualter, E., Dixon, K. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 29/08/2005
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA117415a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Port Welshpool.
Collectors: McQualter, E., Dixon, K. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 29/08/2005
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA117414a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: San Remo.
Collectors: McQualter, E., Dixon, K. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 29/08/2005
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA117413a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Black Rock, Half Moon Bay.
Collectors: McQualter, E., Mercieca, E. Collector's number: 37
Collected date: 29/05/2005
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA117412a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Williamstown Time Ball Tower.
Collectors: McQualter, E., Dixon, K. Collector's number: 29
Collected date: 29/05/2005
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA117411a
Family: Codiaceae
State: New South Wales Locality: Plantation Point, Jervis Bay.
Collectors: Yee, N., Millar, A. Collector's number: 33
Collected date: 16/02/2005
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA117410a
Family: Codiaceae
State: New South Wales Locality: Plantation Point, Jervis Bay.
Collectors: Yee, N., Millar, A., Metti, Y. Collector's number: 30
Collected date: 16/02/2005
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA117409a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Moorpanyal Park, [Geelong].
Collectors: McQualter, E., Dixon, K. Collector's number: 55
Collected date: 09/07/2005
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA117408a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Lascelles Wharves, Geelong.
Collectors: McQualter, E., Dixon, K. Collector's number: 52
Collected date: 09/07/2005
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA117407a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Lascelles Wharves, Geelong.
Collectors: McQualter, E., Dixon, K. Collector's number: 51
Collected date: 09/07/2005
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA117406a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Lascelles Wharves, Geelong.
Collectors: McQualter, E., Dixon, K. Collector's number: 44
Collected date: 09/07/2005
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA117405a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Port Welshpool boat ramp/break wall.
Collectors: McQualter, E., Dixon, K. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 25/08/2005
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA117404a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Clifton Springs.
Collectors: McQualter, E., Dixon, K. Collector's number: 60
Collected date: 10/07/2005
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA117403a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: San Remo.
Collectors: McQualter, E., Dixon, K. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 29/08/2005
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA117402a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Moorpanyal Park, Geelong.
Collectors: McQualter, E., Dixon, K. Collector's number: 54
Collected date: 09/07/2005
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA117401a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Clifton Springs.
Collectors: McQualter, E., Dixon, K. Collector's number: 59
Collected date: 10/07/2005
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA117400a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Lascelles Wharves, [Geelong].
Collectors: McQualter, E., Dixon, K. Collector's number: 49
Collected date: 09/07/2005
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA117433a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Red Bluff, Lake Tyers.
Collectors: Dixon, K. Collector's number: H1A1
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA117432a
Family: Codiaceae
State: South Australia Locality: Frog Rock, Port Mac. [MacDonnell].
Collectors: Dixon, K., Kraft, G.T. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 24/02/2006
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA117431a
Family: Codiaceae
State: South Australia Locality: Frog Rock, Port Mac. [MacDonnell].
Collectors: Dixon, K., Kraft, G.T. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 24/02/2006
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA117430a
Family: Codiaceae
State: South Australia Locality: Frog Rock, Port Mac. [MacDonnell].
Collectors: Dixon, K., Kraft, G.T. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 24/02/2006
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA117429a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Half Moon Bay, Black Rock, on reef to left of "Cerberus".
Collectors: Jeffrey, N., Proctor, C. Collector's number: 24
Collected date: 12/05/1977
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA117428a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Port Welshpool, end of break wall.
Collectors: McQualter, E., Dixon, K. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 29/08/2005
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA117427a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Port Welshpool.
Collectors: McQualter, E., Dixon, K. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 29/08/2005
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA117426a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Port Welshpool.
Collectors: McQualter, E., Dixon, K. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 29/08/2005
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA117425a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Port Welshpool.
Collectors: McQualter, E., Dixon, K. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 29/08/2005
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA117424a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Port Welshpool.
Collectors: McQualter, E., Dixon, K. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 29/08/2005
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA117423a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Williamstown Time Ball Tower.
Collectors: McQualter, E., Dixon, K. Collector's number: 32
Collected date: 29/05/2005
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA117422a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Williamstown Time Ball Tower.
Collectors: McQualter, E., Kraft, G.T. Collector's number: 31
Collected date: 18/05/2005
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA117421a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Tasmania Locality: Bell Bouy Beach.
Collectors: McQualter, E., Kraft, G.T., Hill, L. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 20/09/2005
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA117420a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Tasmania Locality: Low Head wall.
Collectors: McQualter, E., Kraft, G.T., Hill, L. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 19/09/2005
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA117419a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Tasmania Locality: Low Head Reserve (Boat Ramp).
Collectors: McQualter, E., Kraft, G.T., Hill, L. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 19/09/2005
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA117418a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Tasmania Locality: Low Head wall.
Collectors: McQualter, E., Kraft, G.T., Hill, L. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 20/09/2005
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA117417a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Port Welshpool.
Collectors: McQualter, E., Dixon, K. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 29/08/2005
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA115872a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Beacon Cove beach on rock, 2nd groyne west of Webb Dock, Port Melbourne.
Collectors: Brookes, M.J.L. Collector's number: MJB0124
Collected date: 03/02/2015
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA115871a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: St Helen's Boat Ramp, beside seawall between boat ramp and Mackey street, North Geelong.
Collectors: Brookes, M.J.L. Collector's number: MJB0106
Collected date: 03/02/2015
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA115870a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Pt. [Point] Henry Pier, east side, close to pier.
Collectors: Brookes, M.J.L. Collector's number: MJB0113
Collected date: 03/02/2015
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA115869a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Coastguard Boat Ramp, pontoon, North Geelong.
Collectors: Brookes, M.J.L. Collector's number: MJB0100
Collected date: 03/02/2015
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA115867a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: St. Leonard's pier.
Collectors: Verbruggen, H., Marcelino, V.R. Collector's number: MJB0010
Collected date: 27/11/2014
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA115863a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Eagle's Nest, Bunurong Coastal Reserve, Inverloch.
Collectors: Brookes, M.J.L. Collector's number: MJB0089
Collected date: 21/01/2015
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA115862a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: 100m east of Inverloch Jetty.
Collectors: Díaz-Tapia, P. Collector's number: MJB0060
Collected date: 18/01/2015
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA115860a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: 200m. W [west] of Inverloch Jetty.
Collectors: Díaz-Tapia, P. Collector's number: MJB0061
Collected date: 18/01/2015
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA115859a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Twin Reefs, Cape Patterson.
Collectors: Brookes, M.J.L., Díaz-Tapia, P. Collector's number: MJB0071
Collected date: 19/01/2015
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA115858a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Eagles Nest, Bunurong Coastal Reserve, Inverloch.
Collectors: Brookes, M.J.L., Díaz-Tapia, P. Collector's number: MJB0093
Collected date: 19/01/2015
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA115854a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Flat Rock, Bunurong Coastal Reserve, Inverloch.
Collectors: Brookes, M.J.L., Díaz-Tapia, P. Collector's number: MJB0077
Collected date: 19/01/2015
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA115853a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Flat Rock, Bunurong Coastal Reserve, Inverloch.
Collectors: Brookes, M.J.L., Díaz-Tapia, P. Collector's number: MJB0076
Collected date: 19/01/2015
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA115852a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Barwon Heads, Thirteenth Beach.
Collectors: Brookes, M.J.L. Collector's number: MJB0009
Collected date: 26/11/2014
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA115851a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Barwon Heads, Thirteenth Beach.
Collectors: Brookes, M.J.L. Collector's number: MJB0021
Collected date: 12/01/2015
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA115850a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Queenscliff.
Collectors: Brookes, M.J.L. Collector's number: MJB0050
Collected date: 12/01/2015
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA115847a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Queenscliff Beach, near Lighthouse.
Collectors: Brookes, M.J.L. Collector's number: MJB0043
Collected date: 12/01/2015
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA115842a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Pope's Eye. [Port Phillip Bay].
Collectors: Verbruggen, H. Collector's number: HV05335
Collected date: 01/12/2014
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA117399a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Lascelles Wharves, [Geelong].
Collectors: McQualter, E., Dixon, K. Collector's number: 46
Collected date: 09/07/2005
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA117398a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Lascelles Wharves, Geelong.
Collectors: McQualter, E., Dixon, K. Collector's number: 50
Collected date: 09/07/2005
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA117397a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Lascelles Wharves. [Geelong].
Collectors: McQualter, E., Dixon, K. Collector's number: 53
Collected date: 09/07/2005
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA117396a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Lascelles Wharves [Geelong].
Collectors: McQualter, E., Dixon, K. Collector's number: 48
Collected date: 09/07/2005
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA117395a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Lascelles Wharves, Geelong.
Collectors: McQualter, E., Dixon, K. Collector's number: 47
Collected date: 09/07/2005
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA117394a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Black Rock, Half Moon Bay.
Collectors: McQualter, E., Mercieca, E. Collector's number: 38
Collected date: 17/06/2005
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA117393a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Ricketts Point.
Collectors: McQualter, E., Mercieca, E. Collector's number: 41
Collected date: 17/06/2005
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA115889a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: East facing rocks, Coast Guard park boat ramp, Corio Bay, North Geelong.
Collectors: Brookes, M.J.L., Díaz-Tapia, P. Collector's number: MJB0102
Collected date: 03/02/2015
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA115888a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Beacon Cove, between groyne & Princes Pier, Port Melbourne.
Collectors: Brookes, M.J.L. Collector's number: MJB0125
Collected date: 08/03/2015
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA115887a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Coastguard Boat Ramp pontoon, North Geelong.
Collectors: Brookes, M.J.L., Díaz-Tapia, P. Collector's number: MJB0101
Collected date: 03/02/2015
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA115886a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Point Henry Pier, east side, close to pier.
Collectors: Brookes, M.J.L. Collector's number: MJB0111
Collected date: 03/02/2015
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA115884a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Beacon Cove beach, Port Melbourne, Webb Dock end.
Collectors: Brookes, M.J.L. Collector's number: MJB0122
Collected date: 08/03/2015
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA115883a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Mt Martha beach.
Collectors: Brookes, M.J.L. Collector's number: MJB0137
Collected date: 24/06/2015
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA115882a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Mt Martha beach.
Collectors: Brookes, M.J.L. Collector's number: MJB0136
Collected date: 24/06/2015
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA115880a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Safety Beach Sailing Club.
Collectors: Brookes, M.J.L. Collector's number: MJB0135
Collected date: 24/06/2015
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA115879a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Beacon Cove beach, Port Melbourne. On rocks of 2nd groyne east of Webb Dock.
Collectors: Brookes, M.J.L. Collector's number: MJB0123
Collected date: 08/03/2015
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA115878a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Daveys Bay beach.
Collectors: Brookes, M.J.L. Collector's number: MJB0098
Collected date: 02/02/2015
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA115841a
Family: Codiaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Pope's Eye. [Port Phillip Bay].
Collectors: Verbruggen, H. Collector's number: HV05324
Collected date: 01/12/2014
Number of high resolution images: 0
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The marker icon indicates a single location where one or more objects were collected. Click to see more information. |
7 |
A pink circle indicates two to nine proximal locations where objects were collected. Click on the circle or zoom to resolve the locations. |
63 |
An orange circle indicates 10 to 99 proximal locations where objects were collected. Click on the circle or zoom to resolve the locations. |
Years Collected | Number of collection objects |
1900-1949 | 6 |
1950-1999 | 62 |
2000-2049 | 68 |
Total | 136 |
Years Determined | Number of collection objects |
1900-1949 | 4 |
1950-1999 | 52 |
2000-2049 | 34 |
Total | 90 |
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